Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Right Tool for the Job

It's hard to do a job without the right tools. Sure, you can toil away with an ill-fitted wrench on that nut hoping eventually it will break its hold, or you can take a little extra time (and ultimately save time) to get the right tools for the job.

We've all had projects that seemed so simple on paper. Went to Home Depot, read the cartoonized step-by-step instructions for laying that new ceramic tile floor, and said: I can save some money by doing it myself -- only to get home and realize that you really don't have the tools for the job.

The right tool does not have to be a physical implement. It could be access to a particular store of knowledge gained from hours of practical execution.

A true professional not only has the proper knowledge and expertise in their given trade, but also the right tools. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you can't supplement that knowledge with the instruments to complete the job, the knowledge is useless.

If you're going to do a job, save yourself the time and hassle and get the right tools.

Related Random Thoughts

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