Monday, July 6, 2009

Slowing Down the Game

That's an old sports theory that I believe also applies to life.

The sports theory posits: As you execute more repetitions in practice and acquire more game-time experiences, the game itself tends to "slow" down.
The game slows down in the sense that you are able to anticipate events, more quickly understand indicators and make quicker, more accurate decisions, which ultimately leads to a heightened level of execution. The slowing down of the game makes it much easier to play and be successful.

Life is the same way. As your life's experiences compound, things slow down. You are able to make more timely, better educated decisions. You are able to see life's playing field from a broader perspective -- understanding more completely the subtleties that help you navigate the many challenges life puts before you.

The key to slowing life down is repetition -- otherwise known as experiences. The more you experience, the more you learn, the better you live.

Challenge yourself to be open to new experiences, keep learning and life will slow down.

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