Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hobbies: The Family, Work, Exercise Triumvirate

People often ask me what I do for hobbies. I have always found this a difficult question to answer. It took me a while to figure it out, but I've arrived at the conclusion that I'm not a "hobby guy." I don't do boats, bikes, cars, coins, stamps, etc. I have taken to just saying life is my hobby.

For me, life consists of three pillars: family, work and exercise (the triumvirate). These are my hobbies and they take up all of my time. Sure, I dabble in extracurricular activities outside this triumvirate, but I don't do these activities regularly enough to categorize them as hobbies. If I add anything to the family/work/exercise equation, then one of the three suffers, and I must weigh the cost and benefit.

I'm not saying hobbies are bad. In fact, I appreciate when folks are able to balance their life and include hobbies. I appreciate when someone is truly passionate about their hobby. Any activity that invokes a passion that would cause me to shuffle the family/work/exercise equation is the true definition of a hobby.

How about you? Is life your hobby, or do you have other passions?

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Ronin said...


Typical Marine...interlocking fields of mutually supporting fire...all three are simultaneously the base for the other...the most defensible shape in combat....and in life.


Auds said...
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Auds said...

Maybe blogging is your hobby... or art...