Thursday, May 7, 2009

Getting From Here to There

How do you get from here to there?

That's a rhetorical question I often ask myself. In life we are presented with many challenges -- good and bad -- and many times there isn't a right or wrong answer. The answer is the course of action you devise and execute, and by executing your course of action you just make it work.

Maybe your here to there decision is truly a here to there decision -- going from your home to, say, the grocery store. There are many different ways to make this journey. You can walk, ride a bike, drive a car, etc. Additionally, there are probably a number of different routes you can navigate to get to the grocery store.

Do you get the idea?

Maybe your here to there decision is more conceptual. Let's say, how do you change from one career path, where you're not happy, to one that would provide more job satisfaction?

Many here to there decisions are seemingly unconscious -- we just do them.

Many times, in the execution of your here to there decision, you have to make other here to there decisions, which become branches and sequels to your original course of action.

Branches are contingency plans for changing disposition, orientation, or direction of movement and for accepting or declining your original course of action. For example, you start out for the grocery store but notice a looming storm on the horizon, you make a decision to wait until the storm passes to go to the store.

Sequels are actions taken after an event and are based on possible outcomes -- arrival at your destination or a decision to change careers. You arrive at the grocery store only to find they are out of milk. Now you must go to a different grocery store.

So you see, life is full of here to there decisions. Hopefully, your here to there decisions are well balanced (good and bad) and provide you personal and spiritual satisfaction.

However, in the end you just make them work -- you don't really have a choice.

Image is property of the Random Thoughts Blog

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