Sorry for being away the last month. I've been getting settled in to a new job and a new home, so you can probably imagine the hassle. But, I'm easing back into the blogosphere. I hope to be back on my Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Notecard Art) publishing schedule. Thanks for sticking with me while I've been away. What's the Requirement?
Over the years I've learned to ask myself that question regularly, and I've found that it's a good "bellwether" for making tough decisions. Typically, if you are considering making a large purchase, or are making an important life decision, asking yourself what the requirement is can help put things into a practical perspective. Asking the requirement can help take the emotion out of the decision. If you ask yourself the requirement and really can't articulate it to yourself, then your "internal radar" should sound an alarm. Maybe what you're thinking of doing is not such a good idea.
Every decision doesn't have to have a requirement. Sometimes it's nice to be spontaneous, but when you have to make a big decision - a decision with significant consequences - it's nice to have a simple process to guide your thinking. Asking yourself the requirement is a very simple model that can help frame a decision, and help you arrive at a logical, well thought through decision that will be beneficial for you and your family.
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