Wednesday, July 27, 2016


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Former First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State, and Democratic Party Presidential Nominee. That's a pretty good resume', man or woman, and it's not achieved without making some enemies. I'm pretty sure if Hillary Clinton was a male, she would not be getting the same level of scrutiny Hillary Clinton the female is getting. "She [Hillary Clinton] will win this time, too. But it will be harder than it ought to be. It will be hard because she is a tone-deaf politician, because lots of people find her to be shrill and because she has an awesome ability to turn a political misdemeanor into a firestorm. But as Trump lazes through the campaign, relying on his unreliable instincts, she will work harder than he knows how. After all, as a woman, she’s always had to." From WaPo - If Hillary Clinton were a man

+ "But the steps Clinton aides are planning to shape his [Bill Clinton] new life do little to address a potentially thornier problem: Historically, when Mr. Clinton does not have a job to do, he gets into trouble." Doh! Did they just go there...? From NYT - A Worry if Hillary Clinton Wins: What to Do With Bill

+ From WaPo - Why Bill Clinton’s speech tonight will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen


I'm glad I'm not a water sport Olympian. This is gross. "'Foreign athletes will literally be swimming in human crap, and they risk getting sick from all those microorganisms,' said Dr. Daniel Becker, a local pediatrician who works in poor neighborhoods. 'It’s sad, but also worrisome.'" From NYT - Keep Your Mouth Closed: Aquatic Olympians Face a Toxic Stew in Rio

+ From BuzzFeed - Rio’s Olympic Village Is Apparently One Big Hot Mess


Whew! I'd hate to be the boyfriend associated with this scenario. "As her daughter whimpered in the corner after a four-minute beating, Shanavia Miller held up the camera, fixed her hair and spoke to the people watching on the teen’s Facebook page. 'This is my page now. Now I’m gonna need y’all to send this viral. Please share this because I’m not done. More to come.'" From WaPo - Georgia mom beats daughter on Facebook Live as punishment


"For a long time, biologists thought evolution was a very, very slow process, too tardy to be observed in a human lifetime. But recently, we have come to understand that evolution can happen very quickly, as long as natural selection — the relative benefit that a particular characteristic bestows on its bearer — is strong." I think we are seeing fast evolution play out in American politics with the natural selection trending toward idiots. From NYT - Evolution Is Happening Faster Than We Thought


That's how the U.S. military defines males, usually in their mid-40's and below. And these are the guys who, in mainly African and Middle Eastern countries, are considered the "youth bulge" who have limited employment opportunities and turn to terrorism or jihad to make a living or have meaning in life. I'm not saying unemployed, non-college educated men under 35 in the U.S. will turn to terrorism or jihad, but as this article points out, the potential negative consequences of this unemployed population are unknown. "The problem is that these 20-year-olds will eventually be 30-year-olds and 40-year-olds, and although young men who don’t go to college might appear happy now, those same satisfaction studies suggest that they will be much less happy in their 30s and 40s—less likely to get married, and more likely to be in poverty." From The Atlantic - Why America Should Be Concerned About Its Young Men

And speaking of men under the age of 35 going to college...

+ "When a homeless teenager named Fred Barley rode a bicycle some 50 miles into Barnesville, Ga., this month, he set up a small tent in a clump of bushes near Gordon State College, where he had registered." From NYT - How a Homeless Teenager's Viral Story Caused a Battle Over GoFundMe Money

- Police in Michigan are trying to 3D-print a murder victim’s fingerprint to unlock his phone

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