Thursday, July 21, 2016


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Recently, much has been written about the geographic gains the coalition battling ISIS is making - specifically, in Iraq. But the broader question is: What do those geographic gains mean? "In fact, the officials said they were looking for ways to diminish the Islamic State’s reach around the world, particularly the ideology that many say has driven an increase in terrorist attacks in Europe, West Africa and the United States." From NYT - Military Leaders Discuss Plans to Counter ISIS Beyond the Battlefield

+ "Indeed, while the loss of a physical sanctuary would constitute a major blow to the Islamic State — severely limiting, for example, its ability to raise money, train recruits or plan complex terrorist operations — the group’s highly decentralized nature ensures that it will remain dangerous for some time to come, according to current and former U.S. officials and terrorism experts." From WaPo - Inside ISIS: Quietly preparing for the loss of the ‘caliphate’

The toughest fight may be still to come.


It's all about economics. "Mr. Trump repeatedly defined American global interests almost purely in economic terms. Its roles as a peacekeeper, as a provider of a nuclear deterrent against adversaries like North Korea, as an advocate of human rights and as a guarantor of allies’ borders were each quickly reduced to questions of economic benefit to the United States. No presidential candidate in modern times has ordered American priorities that way. But Mr. Trump gave no ground, whether the subject was countering North Korea’s missile and nuclear threats or dealing with China in the South China Sea. The forward deployment of American troops abroad, he said, while preferable, was not necessary." From NYT - Donald Trump Sets Conditions for Defending NATO Allies Against Attack

+ Speaking of value (no not economic value). "Mr. Erdogan may now be a bitter disappointment to the president, but he is still better than any other option — and, like it or not, remains a linchpin in the campaign against the Islamic State and in a host of other critical issues." From NYT - Obama’s Support of Erdogan Is a Stark Reminder of Turkey’s Value to U.S.


"But according to the Kasich adviser, Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history? When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy. Then what, the adviser asked, would Trump be in charge of? 'Making America great again' was the casual reply." So, that's how the leader of the free world does it...delegate to the VP. From NYT - How Donald Trump Picked His Running Mate

+ Donald Trump’s Veterans Advisor Says Hillary Clinton Should Be ‘Shot For Treason’ That's a good way to get the attention of the Secret Service


"Then Chuck D offered a broader and no less pessimistic assessment of the parties’ nominees, Trump and Hillary Clinton, and tried to explain why he would ultimately vote for the Democrat after rooting for Bernie Sanders in the primary. 'You've got a clown on one end and they say that you've got a liar on the other end,' he said. 'You could buy time with a liar. A clown — you can't buy no time with a clown.'" From Politico - Chuck D takes on Rudy G


Men's grooming startup Dollar Shave Club just sold to Unilever for $1 billion. I thought they would be worth more than that, but I did try their product and found it to be not that great. From Quartz - A disruptive startup just sold for $1 billion—and it isn’t even a tech company


- Doh! Supermodel Miranda Kerr announced her engagement to Snapchat’s founder—on Instagram

- It's kind of like going to Atlantic City to gamble, but you really wanted to be in Vegas... "What Trump is left with at his convention is a collection of people who are neither prominent popular Republican officials nor genuine celebrities." From Vox - What’s happening at the Republican National Convention is not normal

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