Friday, October 14, 2016



- Bob Dylan Wins Nobel Prize in Literature "Mr. Dylan, 75, is the first musician to win the award, and his selection on Thursday is perhaps the most radical choice in a history stretching back to 1901. In choosing a popular musician for the literary world’s highest honor, the Swedish Academy, which awards the prize, dramatically redefined the boundaries of literature, setting off a debate about whether song lyrics have the same artistic value as poetry or novels." (NYT) and Why Bob Dylan Shouldn’t Have Gotten a Nobel (NYT) "Yes, Mr. Dylan is a brilliant lyricist. Yes, he has written a book of prose poetry and an autobiography. Yes, it is possible to analyze his lyrics as poetry. But Mr. Dylan’s writing is inseparable from his music. He is great because he is a great musician, and when the Nobel committee gives the literature prize to a musician, it misses the opportunity to honor a writer."


- Goldman’s Online Lender, Marcus, Opens (to Those With the Code) (NYT) "Marcus is the centerpiece of Goldman’s push into consumer banking, and the firm has put significant resources into designing and planning the site and the products it will offer. The venture is named for the man who founded Goldman Sachs in the 19th century, Marcus Goldman."


- The closing argument against Donald Trump (WaPo)


- John Kasich: Refusing to ratify TPP risks America’s role as the world leader (WaPo) "Don’t be fooled by divisive talk in the presidential campaign that the TPP is only a debate about trade. At its very core, this agreement is about making sure the United States continues to strengthen its essential alliances and is willing to sustain its standing as the global leader — something we have done for more than half a century."

- When Europe’s Far Right Came for Me (NYT) "But if people hoped that these parties would take on Slovakia’s graft problem, they have been sorely disappointed. The opposition has failed to deliver on reform, and instead limited its activities to stunts and political theater, like the anti-corruption rally. These parties have capitalized on the widespread hatred of the social democrats to vilify the government and label anyone who doesn’t agree with them enemies. Ordinary People, along with the other right-wing parties, is introducing a vicious divisiveness to the country and animating an angry base. I was just one victim of this strategy." Sound familiar...?

- Reviled by G.O.P., WikiLeaks Embraced by Trump for Clinton Email Leaks (NYT) "The Trump campaign’s willingness to use WikiLeaks is an extraordinary turnabout after years of bipartisan criticism of the organization and its leader, Julian Assange, for past disclosures of American national security intelligence and other confidential information."

- Facebook has repeatedly trended fake news since firing its human editors (WaPo)

- What the Death of Thailand’s King Means, and What’s Next (NYT)


- Why Does This Virus Have Spider DNA? (The Atlantic)


- Everybody raise your hands and say “Wheeee!” (Bloomberg) "Tesla, SpaceX, and SolarCity are no longer experiments. Tesla and SolarCity are public companies. SpaceX, meanwhile, has become crucial not just to the U.S. space program but also to countries and companies around the world hoping to put up satellites for communications, entertainment, and national security. If his companies were to crater, it wouldn’t merely be an internet playboy blowing his millions on a whim. Tens of thousands of jobs would be lost, billions in capital would be wiped out, and technological progress would be stunted."


- Designers manipulate our internet behavior through the cunning use of color (Quartz)

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