Thursday, October 20, 2016



- The Anti-Helicopter Parent’s Plea: Let Kids Play! (NYT) "That is, kids don’t play outside because other kids don’t play outside. Playing outside becomes like Betamax — it’s just obsolete. But in the case of a playborhood, the vicious circle transforms into a virtuous one: When there’s always another kid to play with, most kids want to play."


- The greatest role of Bill Murray’s life has been playing Bill Murray (WaPo)


- More than half of U.S. kids don't get dental sealants, and the CDC wants schools to change that (LA Times) "Sealants can reduce the risk of cavities by 81% over two years and keep fighting cavities for up to nine years, according to the Community Preventive Services Task Force, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. But the majority of school-age kids in the U.S. don’t get them, according to the CDC Vital Signs report released Tuesday."

- The Cure for Cancer Is Data—Mountains of Data (Wired)


- Imagining A Cashless World (New Yorker)


- General Cartwright is paying the price for Hillary Clinton’s sins (WaPo) "Cartwright’s greatest mistake was not talking to reporters or lying about it; he failed to play the Washington game skillfully enough to avoid becoming a scapegoat for a system in which senior officials skirt the rules and then fall back on their political power to save them. One notable difference between Cartwright’s case and that of Clinton and Petraeus was the fact that Cartwright was the subject of a leak investigation. The Obama administration has prosecuted twice as many leakers as all previous administrations combined."

- Fear of an imminent terrorist attack runs deep around the world (WaPo)

- Why the Knight Foundation president thinks we’re living through the biggest disruption since Gutenberg and the printing press (WaPo)


- I Fight for Your Right to Vote. But I Won’t Do It Myself. (NYT) "'I am in the pay of the United States government,' Gen. George S. Patton once put it. 'If I vote against the administration, I am voting against my commander in chief. If I vote for the administration in office I am being bought.'"


- The Solution to Antibiotic Resistance — More Antibiotics? (Ozy) "Expected global deaths from AMR (antimicrobial resistance, largely due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria) in 2050 are projected to overtake cancer."


- Bill Belichick Throws In the Tablet (NYT)


- Whoever Wins the White House, This Year’s Big Loser Is Email (NYT) "Why were all these people discussing so much over email in the first place? The answer, of course, is that email is as tempting as it is inescapable, for Mrs. Clinton as well as for the rest of us. More than 50 years after its birth, email exerts an uncanny hold on all of our internal affairs."


- Leave it to a Canadian ad campaign to deliver the most inspiring message of this U.S. election (WaPo)

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