Sunday, March 8, 2009

Twitter Likes and Dislikes

I've recently started using Twitter. Below are a few things I have come to like, and dislike, about it.

-Simplicity (See AB's Rules for Technology) -- Not a steep learning curve to get follow and are followed and develop your Twitterverse.
-140 Characters - What a beautiful concept. Effectively keeps all the "windbags" in the personal blog realm.
-Access to Information - I'm an information junkie so I use Twitter to connect socially, feed my information addiction, and hopefully pass on my knowledge to others.
-Smart Twitterverse - People who Tweet, when taken collectively, appear to Tweet for professional reasons -- the social aspect is a secondary outcome. However, I suspect as Twitter continues to move toward mainstream, this is going to change -- the MySpace crowd is going to move in. Side note: That actually might be an interesting online demographic the MySpace crowd moves to Twitter, where is the Facebook equivelent of Twitter...?

-Relentless self promotion by what I call the "Twitterati" - It's like one large infomercial - except with six million inputs. Not everyone abuses the network, but it only takes one gonzo marketer to spoil a good feed.
-Information Overload - I have not figured out a good way to manage Tweet overload. I use a laptop and iPhone to keep up, but it can get overwhelming.
-Twitter Cults - I think there are Twitter cults forming (see Twitterati above) -- threatening to disrupt the community feel of the network. Everyone, me included, seems to follow the same folks that have bazillions of followers. I hope it doesn't turn in to a David Koresh or Jim Jones scenario...

These are a few positive and negative observations I have made in the short time I have been Tweeting. What are your thoughts?

-- Post From My iPhone

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