Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Moths to the Light

Sometimes life throws you a curveball -- a problem that seemingly has no solution. For some people this is an every day occurrence, for others, curveballs are not so regular, but one thing is for certain: eventually we all get curveballs.

How you handle your curveballs says a lot about you as a person. If you are fending off curveballs every day, you may want to examine your life, because this is probably not a healthy thing. Maybe you're focusing on the wrong things, which leads to an inordinate amount of curveballs.

For those that get the occasional curveballs, the goal should be to handle them as efficiently as possible. There is usually no right or wrong solution to a curveball. The solution is whatever your common sense and instincts tells you to do. That being said, some people just have a knack for handling curveballs in a super efficient manner. You know who these people are and they are great sounding boards for solutions to your curveballs.

In the end, when we get a curveball, we all have one thing in common: we're like moths migrating to the light in search of a solution. Sometimes that solution comes easy, sometimes not, but eventually there is a solution. In every case, the journey to the light has the potential to enrich your life and make you a better person -- if you let it.

Image is property of the Random Thoughts Blog


Ronin said...


This random thought highlights why Lola is going to be fine in life...take care brother.


Unknown said...

thanks, man. i hope so...