Thursday, June 16, 2016



Donald Trump rang in the Army’s 241st birthday in unusual fashion on Tuesday — by calling attention to theft of government funds by American soldiers in Iraq. 'Iraq, crooked as hell. How about bringing baskets of money — millions and millions of dollars — and handing it out?. I want to know who were the soldiers that had that job, because I think they’re living very well right now, whoever they may be.'" From Politico - Trump: U.S. troops stole money in Iraq


"When the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) signed off on the new National Market System (Reg NMS) in 2005, the goal was to transform the 188-year-old New York Stock Exchange from an old school institution where specialists shouted from the trading floor into a hyper-efficient system of computers quietly matching orders in real time. But in the decade since Reg NMS was enacted, the proliferation of exchanges has combined with rapid growth in computing power to create a market system that is shockingly complex. There are now more than 50 public and private exchanges, tethered together by a web of regulations that dictate how they must coordinate." Even traders don't really know how a trade is made. From Quartz - The SEC tried to fix a finance problem and created a computer problem instead


"Russian hackers broke into the Democratic National Committee’s computer networks and made off with opposition research about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Now a nearly 200 page document has turned up on Gawker that appears to be from that trove of stolen material. It’s too soon to attest to its authenticity, but it certainly looks real, and it’s the sort of thing that would be hard to create on short notice. The document, sets out a seven point strategy for Democrats to challenge Trump." The Russian hack of the DNC is going to be the gift that keeps giving for a while. From Fortune - Hacked Document Shows 7 Ways Hillary Plans to Attack Trump


"About 1.4 billion years ago...two black holes spiraled toward one another, approaching closer and closer until they finally collided. Ripples in spacetime spread from the collision at the speed of light until, for about a second on December 25, 2015, the space holding the atoms that make you up buckled and then relaxed. Today [6/15/2016], the LIGO team announced its second detection of gravitational waves." Why is it important? "[The detection of gravitational waves] provides further confirmation of Einstein's general theory of relativity." From Wired - LIGO Has Detected Gravitational Waves for the Second Time and from USAToday - Gravitational waves detected for second time


"Still, that 0.875 gallon of water that will escape the shower head in the 21 seconds it takes for the average person to pee is still less than the 1.6 gallons — more in older toilets — used to flush urine away." And there you have it... From USAToday - It all adds up: Peeing in the shower makes sense

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