Friday, June 17, 2016



"'Since before I was President, I’ve been clear about how extremist groups have perverted Islam to justify terrorism,' he [Obama] said. 'There’s not been a moment in my seven and a half years as President when we have not been able to pursue a strategy because we didn’t use the label ‘radical Islam.’ Not once has an adviser of mine said, ‘Man, if we really use that phrase, we’re going to turn this whole thing around.’ Not once.' But this was a much more consequential political intervention than a campaign speech. It was a Commander-in-Chief making the case that Trump, and Trump’s approach to fighting terrorism, represent every bit as big a threat to the United States as the terrorists themselves do." From New Yorker - Obama's Defining Attack on Trump and Trumpism

+ Just in case your confused and need a "text book" definition for 'radical Islam'... "The phrase does not explicitly say there is an intrinsic link between terrorism and Islam. But it suggests religion is the core issue, and by using the vague modifier 'radical,' there is an implication that any adherent can be suspect on grounds that are unclear and open to interpretation." From NYT - When a Phrase Takes On New Meaning: ‘Radical Islam,’ Explained

Meanwhile, on the other side of the isle, elder GOP statesman John McCain had this to say...

+ "McCain made his remarks in a Senate hallway to a small group of reporters, responding to a question about the gun-control debate. 'Barack Obama is directly responsible for it, because when he pulled everybody out of Iraq, al-Qaeda went to Syria, became ISIS, and ISIS is what it is today thanks to Barack Obama’s failures,' McCain said." From WaPo - John McCain: Obama is ‘directly responsible’ for Orlando attack


Philadelphia mayor Mayor Jim Kenney was able to get the tax bill passed by focusing on using the tax funds for child development-related programs and not health benefits. "One of the mayor's selling points in persuading the City Council to support the measure is that much of the estimated $91 million the tax would bring to the city's coffers each year would boost funding for programs including citywide pre-K education." From NPR - Philadelphia Becomes 1st Major U.S. City To Pass A Tax On Soda

+ "Mars Inc. is reportedly considering ending the use of its signature M&Ms in sugary dessert treats, the most famous of which could be the McDonald’s mcd McFlurry. Mars is responding to increasing public scrutiny of the levels of sugar found in these items, according to Reuters, and the candy maker is looking to keep the use of its products in line with its stated stance that sweets like M&Ms are best enjoyed in moderation." Isn't that kind of like saying I'll have a Diet Coke with my Big Mac...? From Fortune - Why You May Not Be Able to Get M&M McFlurries Anymore


"This is a “phone-free event." Your phone goes in here [a gray, rubbery pouch], and then we lock it. The pouch might not look like the latest techno-bling out of Silicon Valley, but it’s become the go-to tool for a slew of artists — including Dave Chappelle, the Lumineers and Louis C.K. — trying to reclaim their live performances without going all Adele on their fans." Can you still bring in tape recorders? From WaPo - Alicia Keys is done playing nice. Your phone is getting locked up at her shows now


"'When they [Area 1, a company that focuses on tracking digital attacks against businesses] first told us, we said, ‘No way,’ Mr. Cate said over pizza and cheese curds, recalling when he first learned the computer server his family used to manage its welding business had been secretly repurposed [by Chinese hackers]. 'We were totally freaked out,' Ms. Cate said. 'We had no idea we could be used as an infiltration unit for Chinese attacks.'" From NYT - The Chinese Hackers in the Back Office


"The CIA director [John Brennan ] told Congress Thursday that cyberthreats, North Korea's nuclear program, and instability across the Middle East and Africa are the top issues he would highlight when briefing President Barack Obama's potential successors on the world's 'blinking red lights.' Also, asked by Sen. Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, 'If the next president of the United States directs the CIA to use coercive interrogation techniques, how would you respond?' Brennan replied, 'I have said publicly that I do not believe such aggressive coercive techniques are necessary. As you know the CIA's interrogation program was disbanded, and I certainly, while I am director of the CIA have no intention of bringing such a program back and would not engage in EOT such as waterboarding and other things.'" From Politico - CIA chief outlines 'blinking red lights' for White House hopefuls


- Fighting ISIS With an Algorithm, Physicists Try to Predict Attacks From NYT

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