Monday, June 27, 2016


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"Roughly two in three Americans say they think Trump is unqualified to lead the nation; are anxious about the idea of him as president; believe his comments about women, minorities and Muslims show an unfair bias; and see his attacks on a federal judge because of his Mexican American heritage as racist." From WaPo - In new poll, support for Trump has plunged, giving Clinton a double-digit lead

+ "Sanders supporters aren't just rallying around Clinton; they're doing it rather quickly. And it's a big reason Clinton just extended her lead over Trump into the double digits, 51 percent to 39 percent." From WaPo - Donald Trump’s bad month just got worse, because Sanders backers just rallied to Clinton

+ "[George] Will is one of several influential Republicans who have left the party since Trump clinched the nomination. Republican strategist Mary Matalin changed her affiliation to Libertarian the day after the Indiana primary, though she said the decision was not connected to Trump’s primary-season victory." From WaPo - George Will exits the Republican Party over Trump

+ The GOP, in putting Trump at the top of the ticket, is endorsing a brand of populism rooted in ignorance, prejudice, fear and isolationism." From WaPo - When it comes to Trump, a Republican Treasury secretary says: Choose country over party

All these articles are from ONE (1) edition of a Washington Post email newsletter. I guess that's what happens when you "revoke" their press credentials.


This is a "feel good" story about Michael Phelps' recovery. I hope it stays feel good. "The trip to see Phelps by [Bob] Bowman, his longtime coach at the Meadows [treatment center] was a revelation, an introduction to a man stripped of the armor that had helped make him an athletic machine." From NYT - Seeking Answers, Michael Phelps Finds Himself

+ "As [Katie] Ledecky prepares to launch herself into the U.S. Olympic trials in Omaha, with the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics looming just six weeks in the distance, she already may be the most dominant athlete in sports, as measured by the gap between her and everyone else in her discipline." From WaPo - How Katie Ledecky became better at swimming than anyone is at anything


Can you teach a machine what the right thing to do is? This might be one of the key questions to be answered for the future of mankind. Several good reads related to this question from the weekend:

+ From NYT - When Machines Need Morals and FastCompany - Google Created Its Own Laws of Robotics

+ From FastCompany - Would You Buy A Car That’s Programmed To Kill You? and NYT - Should Your Driverless Car Hit a Pedestrian to Save your Life

+ "Like all technologies before it, artificial intelligence will reflect the values of its creators. We need to be vigilant about how we design and train these machine-learning systems, or we will see ingrained forms of bias built into the artificial intelligence of the future." From NYT - Artificial Intelligence's White Guy Problem


"We are now approaching the last months of the Obama era. He will be remembered as a great, but flawed, president, and many of those flaws have to do with how he has addressed race — or avoided doing so." From NYT - Barack Obama, the President of Black America?


Maybe this will spur action on climate change... "A parasitic fungus, it forms out of the head of ghost moth larvae living in the soil at altitudes above 10,000 feet, and has been used as an aphrodisiac for at least a thousand years, earning it the nickname Himalayan Viagra." From NYT - Climate Change Seen as Threat to Lucrative ‘Himalayan Viagra’ Fungus

+ From Aeon - The body as amusement park: a history of masturbation


- Let's see how this plays out. I suspect it will not end well for Edward Snowden. From Fortune - Edward Snowden Denounces Russia’s New “Big Brother” Surveillance Bill

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