Tuesday, November 22, 2016



- Meet the new think tank in town: 'Alt-right' comes to Washington to influence Trump (LA Times) "'An awakening among everyone has occurred with this Trump election,' Richard Spencer, president of the white nationalist think tank, said during opening remarks. 'We’re not quite the establishment now, but I think we should start acting like it.' Trump has said he 'disavowed' support from white supremacists, but many in the alt-right believe his tough talk on immigrants and Muslims shows that their efforts to preserve a white majority in the United States are ready for a wider audience. As the up-and-coming intellectual voice of the movement, Spencer is credited with popularizing the term 'alt-right.' Twitter banned his account and those of other leaders last week in a clampdown on hate speech." and White Nationalists Celebrate ‘an Awakening’ After Donald Trump’s Victory (NYT) "Intellectual leaders of the movement argue that they are merely trying to realize their desire for a white 'ethno-state' where they can be left alone. Mr. Trump, with his divisive language about immigrants and Muslims, has given them hope that these dreams can come true. Emboldened by Mr. Trump’s takeover of the Republican Party, Mr. Forney said he expected people openly associated with the white nationalist movement to run as candidates in the 2018 midterm elections. The rise of populism and the decline of political correctness, he said, present a rare opportunity. 'In the long run, people like Bannon and Trump will be open to the clarity of our ideas,' said Jared Taylor, the founder of the white nationalist publication American Renaissance." and Alt-Right Exults in Donald Trump’s Election With a Salute: ‘Heil Victory’ (NYT) "The ties between the alt-right movement and the Trump team are difficult to define, even by members of the alt-right. Mr. Bannon was the chief executive of Breitbart, an online news organization that has fed the lie that Mr. Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim. As recently as last year, Breitbart published an op-ed article urging that 'every tree, every rooftop, every picket fence, every telegraph pole in the South should be festooned with the Confederate battle flag.' Mr. Bannon told Mother Jones this year that Breitbart was now 'the platform for the alt-right.' But in an interview last week with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Bannon said that the alt-right was only 'a tiny part' of the viewpoint represented on Breitbart."


- Speed Trading Spreads Around the Globe (Ozy) "Today, close to 80 percent of trading is electronic, nearly all of it occurs in data centers (not on trading floors), and firms can execute multiple millions of buy and sell orders in nanoseconds, picking off profits across dozens of electronic markets at nearly the speed of light."


- Trump: Farage Would do ‘Great Job’ As UK Ambassador to USA (Breitbart) "He would do a great job! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 22, 2016 Writing at 9:22pm on Monday night, the President-elect said: 'Many people would like to see @Nigel_Farage represent Great Britain as their Ambassador to the United States. He would do a great job!'"

- BET Founder After Trump Meeting: Black Americans Should Give the President-elect a Shot (Breitbart) "The most important thing that came out of the meeting, he and I agreed, and if you recall in the election, he asked what do African-Americans have to lose, and I said President-elect Trump, the real question is what do they have to gain by your presidency?"

- How Hard (or Easy) It Will Be for Trump to Fulfill His 100-Day Plan (NYT)


- Google, Facebook, and Microsoft Are Remaking Themselves Around AI (Wired)

- Michigan legislature approves fully autonomous vehicle tests (ReadWriteWeb)


- A Message from President-Elect Donald J. Trump (YouTube)


- German Cities Are Solving The Age-Old Public Toilet Problem (FastCompany) "The Germans have figured out a cheap way to provide the public with bathrooms. Instead of building out a network of public toilets, which is slow and expensive, city governments are paying local businesses to open up their restrooms to the public."

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