Thursday, November 10, 2016


Happy 241st Birthday, Marines!


Watch This: The Battle of Chosin (PBS American Experience)


- Caravaggio’s Revolution in Light and Dark (NYT) "And indeed, in a career that lasted less than 20 years and produced around 80 to 90 canvases, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio created new ways of seeing that had a profound effect on artists all over Europe."


- Why You're Wrong About the Trump Stock Market Turmoil (Ozy) "But hold your horses, everyone. This is not Black Friday all over again. At least not yet, says Steve Hanke, an applied economist at Johns Hopkins University. Along with other experts, Hanke figures a large part of these attention-grabbing headlines are “knee-jerk” reactions to an electoral surprise rather than serious structural threats to the global economy. While President-elect Trump’s rhetoric on trade certainly creates a lot of uncertainty around the world, it’s not time to run for the hills just yet, some say. Markets are more like rubber, notes Hanke: 'They’ll always revert back to fundamentals.'"

- Silicon Valley Style Puts Gloss on Tesla’s Bid for SolarCity (NYT) "But how could you not bet on Mr. Musk’s vision? Because of this last fact, I fully expect this deal to happen. Perhaps this is to be admired. Too often, institutional investors play it too safe. Now, public shareholders can profit from some risk-taking instead of leaving it all to the venture capitalists."


- Californians Legalize Marijuana in Vote That Could Echo Nationally (NYT) "With the addition of California, Massachusetts and Nevada, the percentage of Americans living in states where marijuana use is legal for adults rose above 20 percent, from 5 percent."

Commentary: Americans don’t think Trump is qualified. Why they elected him anyway. (Reuters) "Trump may be able to get a lot of what he wants out of Congress because his victory was so unexpected. And he had coattails: he protected the Republican majorities in the House and Senate. Those things create a mandate. A mandate to do what? Trump has promised to abolish just about everything Obama did – Obamacare, immigration orders, environmental regulations, the nuclear treaty with Iran. Voters elected the un-Obama, and that will be taken as a mandate to undo Obama."

- Here are 76 of Donald Trump’s many campaign promises (WaPo) and Change Ahead: Shifts on Immigration, Climate, Health and Taxes (NYT)

- Presidential Election 2016: An American Tragedy (The New Yorker)


- Breathe. Exhale. Repeat: The Benefits of Controlled Breathing (NYT)

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