Every morning when I awake I fight the "battle of wills" -- the struggle to get my lazy butt out of bed to exercise. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but it's an epic struggle almost every morning.
I can honestly say, over the years, I have won the daily battle of wills more than I have lost, and for that I am proud of myslef. However, one time losing is the same as ten times winning.
We all fight a daily battle of wills, you just may not call it that. Some may look at my battle of wills and think it is trivial. Why is getting out of bed and exercising a battle of wills? For me morning exercise sets the tempo for my day. It gets me up and moving. If I can make it through my morning workout, the rest of the day is easy.
I use my battle of wills as a simple way to motivate myself to achieve for the day. I have made it so that I can't afford not to win my battle of wills.
What is your battle of wills?
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